Indoor Dismissal
The Indoor Pick Up Procedures are used in the event of active rain showers, the prospect of rain starting during dismissal, or special events. Please take the time to read through and become familiar with the procedures and times.
Indoor Pick Up Procedures:
The school will notify via text of rainy day dismissal with a much notice as possible.
- All vehicles will park in an available parking spot. There will not be a formal car-line exit procedure.
- Do not park in the preschool area unless you are picking up a preschooler.
- Parents may enter the building through the double doors near the courtyard/lunch area. Please do not enter through the front doors of the school.
- Students are to be picked up from their homeroom.
- Preschool pick up procedures remain the same
- For grades TYKE - 3rd:
- M-Th: Outside doors open at 2:55PM
- Fridays: Outside doors open at 1:55PM
- For grades 4th - 8th:
- Parents will not be allowed upstairs before 3:10PM. Stairwell monitors will strictly adhere to this time.
- Please note: Final class of the day for students in 4th - 8th grade does not technically end until 3:10 and 2:10, respectively. The hallways get very crowded as the students will still need to get to their lockers and homeroom.
- For those who have a students in more than one dismissal group, please wait to arrive until the later time. This will help clear out the building as well as open up parking spots.
If your child must be picked up earlier than the posted times noted above, you must sign them out from the front office no later than 2:30PM (M-Th) or 1:30PM (Fridays).