Schoolwide Learning Expectations (SLEs)
A responsible leader who
● Shares their God given gifts through participation in school activities
● Makes good choices to represent our school with pride
● Communicates effectively through oral, written, and listening skills
● Models appropriate use of technology to further the learning process
● Makes good choices to represent our school with pride
● Communicates effectively through oral, written, and listening skills
● Models appropriate use of technology to further the learning process
An organized and prepared individual who
● Meets the day ready to learn in appearance, attitude, and with appropriate materials
● Establishes positive routines to achieve goals
● Demonstrates effective time management
● Actively engages in classroom activities and lessons
● Establishes positive routines to achieve goals
● Demonstrates effective time management
● Actively engages in classroom activities and lessons
A high-achieving life-long learner who
● Willingly tries new things to explore, learn, and grow
● Listens respectfully and considers the ideas of others
● Perseveres through challenges to develop academic strengths, talents, and continued
overall growth
● Seeks answers to questions and works cooperatively to solve problems
● Listens respectfully and considers the ideas of others
● Perseveres through challenges to develop academic strengths, talents, and continued
overall growth
● Seeks answers to questions and works cooperatively to solve problems
A Christ-centered student respectful of God and others who
● Shares time, talent, and treasures to further the mission of Christ
● Displays strong moral character, courtesy, and kindness towards others
● Accepts responsibility for one’s own words and actions
● Recognizes and participates in the teachings, prayers, and traditions of the Catholic
Church including weekly school Mass
● Displays strong moral character, courtesy, and kindness towards others
● Accepts responsibility for one’s own words and actions
● Recognizes and participates in the teachings, prayers, and traditions of the Catholic
Church including weekly school Mass