Consultative School Board

As a result of our commitment to the guidelines of Catholic School Management, The Parish School at St. Edward the Confessor Catholic Church has formed a Consultative School Board. This Board replaces the previous School Commission. We are very proud of and grateful to those who have committed to serve and advise our school in the coming years of their terms. The Board meets on a regular, monthly basis during the school year.
The 2022-2023 Consultative School Board


Stephanie Baren

Jane Crayton

Meghan Clem

Andrew Gray

Jennifer Kearney

Amanda Lazinski

Julie Mildrew

Wendy Mulvihill

Whitney Pratt

Annie Phan-Luong

Chris Rottach


Ex-Officio Members:

Mrs. Allison Cabral - Parent Guild Organization Representative

Mrs. Regina Gancar - Parent Guild Organization Representative


Fr. Philip Smith - Pastor

Mr. Tom Waszak - Principal

Mr Tom Leeman - Parish Business Manager