Course Expectations
Philosophy: The world around is is an intricate and beautiful part of God's creation. As disciplinarians, STEM learners will engage in questioning and inquiry to explore and learn about this miraculous world. We will practice scientific skills and analysis to understand how observations and investigations can answer the questions we have about the world around us.
Curriculum Information:
In 5th grade, learners will explore ecosystems and plant needs in life science, investigate molecules and interactions in physical science, and explore the changing earth and interactions between the hydrosphere, biosphere, atmosphere, and geosphere in earth and space science. We will also investigate our place within the universe as we explore constellations, seasons, and tidal interactions.
In 6th grade, learners will focus on earth science exploration. Learners will investigate the history and structure of our earth including our geological interpretation of fossils. Both fast and quick changes to earth will be investigated and explored as we find new ways to protect people from these drastic changes. Learners will also explore weather, earth's systems, erosion, and weathering. We will also explore the earth-sun-moon system along with space beyond our solar system. This year we will also attend Outdoor Science School at Pali.
Classroom and Homework Policies:
- Learners will be required to sign a lab safety contract and follow all safety rules
- Learners should come to class with a curious mind ready to explore
- Homework will be assigned on a weekly basis and posted online and in class. Most assignments will be given the school week to complete. An occasional assignment may be given during class and be due the following day.
- Learners are encouraged to explore their environment and ask questions outside of school time - maintaining their God-given curiosity.