Admissions » Immunization Requirements

Immunization Requirements

Health Requirements


California School Immunization Law requires that children be up-to-date on their immunizations to attend school. For child care and school immunizations, "vaccine" is defined in regulation and does not include homeopropylaxis/homeopathic vaccines. Homeopropylaxis/homeopathic vaccines are not considered valid doses for school and child care attendance


A copy of your child's completed immunization card must be submitted prior to the start of school. We will verify the validity of all immunization records. 


Notice to Parents and Guardians about Vaccine Exemptions

Students will not be allowed to attend school unless they have met the age appropriate and immunization requirements set by the California Department of Public Health, (CDPH). Personal Beliefs and Religious exemptions are no longer accepted.


Medical Exemptions

1. For admissions on or after January 1, 2021, what is required for a medical exemption to a required immunization?

Starting January 1, 2021:

  • Medical exemptions can only be issued through the California Immunization Registry – Medical Exemption website (CAIR-ME) by physicians licensed in California. 
  • Schools and child care facilities may only accept from parents new medical exemptions that are issued using CAIR-ME. 


2. Are medical exemptions filed for children in attendance at a California child care facility or school before 2021 valid in later years?

A medical exemption filed at a pre-kindergarten facility or school remains valid until the earliest or:

  • When the child enrolls in the next grade span (TK/K-6th grade, 7th-12th grade)
  • The expiration date specified in a temporary medical exemption
  • Revocation of the exemption because the issuing physician has been subject to disciplinary action from the physician’s licensing entity.


A valid physician’s record must be presented at the time of registration; students will not be considered accepted for school entrance until all state requirements have been met. 


Please reference, CLICK HERE for the State Guide to Immunizations Required for School Entry.


Please review the following links to make sure your child(ren) have the required immunizations.

In addition to immunizations, California Department of Health Services requires students entering 1st grade to submit a Report Of Health Examination Form (available below) completed by a licensed health care provider.  The law allows for the health examination to be completed up to 18 months prior to entry into first grade or within 90 days thereafter.  A copy of the form can be printed from the attachment below.