Kindergarten Home

Welcome to Kindergarten!
Our kindergarten program focuses on developing the educational, spiritual and social foundation to ensure success as children begin their educational journey! We keep our kindergarten classes small, with 24 students per class plus an aide, resulting in an impressive 12:1 Student-to-Teacher Ratio. To keep busy kindergarteners focused and engaged, kindergarteners participate in Friday Centers where weekly lessons are brought full circle through hands-on activities and manipulatives.

Kindergarten is a critical year for reading and language development so the professionally-trained Kindergarten team uses Wilson Fundations® – an engaging, multi-sensory reading, spelling, handwriting and phonics program that lays the groundwork for life-long literacy. They also use the acclaimed Writer’s Workshop and Scott Foresman Reading Street programs to help put creative thoughts to paper.
Other curriculum highlights include specialty subjects like Spanish, Music, Library, PE and Art taught by a dedicated, single-subject instructor and themed days like Apple Day, 100th Day of School and Eggsploration.
Our Catholic faith is the core of what we do inside & outside the classroom. Students learn about their faith through daily religion class, attending weekly Mass and participating in stewardship activities and Prayer Partner buddies (4th Graders).