3rd Grade Spanish Assignments

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Learners continue their work on the story El diente de Javi with scripts, props, and rehearsals for presentations next week.  See attached script sample.



Learners have started work on mini book El diente de Javi.  Javi has a diente flojo and gets a surprise visitor when the tooth comes out.  See attachment for a sample of the book.



Learners are taking a "picture walk" with the attached image with the intention of reinforcing the use of the word tiene (he/she has) and the vocabulary that we practiced last week:
¿Sam tiene amigos or está solo?
¿Cuántos años tiene Sam?
¿Sam tiene muchas cosas o pocas cosas?



Learners worked on a "shopping" assignment to use the words quiere (he/she wants) and tiene (he/she has).  They made "wish lists" and then shopped!  After, we wrote down all of the items each member at our tables had.



See attached photos for part of the vocabulary we're using for games and activities.  The link directs to Spanish Playground which has tons of free resources and printables for learning the language. 
This particular page has items we've used for our food unit:  https://www.spanishplayground.net/spanish-food-vocabulary-printable-activities/



A friendly competition with group and whiteboards, learners had a list of food words and passed around white boards to all members of group to write translations. I encourage using articles before nouns and distinguish masculine and feminine words.



Learners are discussing foods, likes, and dislikes: Me gusta and No me gusta.  See the sample of the activity and charts that they wrote in their notebooks. 



Learners have been determining possible emotions of emojis and writing complete sentences to describe: 
¿Cómo está Ana?  Ana está contenta. 
Since we have names for the emojis, masculine and feminine endings are considered for all sentimientos ending with "o". 



New prayer for our cuadernos.  Please practice at home:

Anima Christi

Alma de Cristo, sanctifícame,

Cuerpo de Cristo, sálvame,

Sangre de Cristo, embriágame,

Agua del costado de Cristo, lávame. 

Pasión de Cristo, confórtame. 

¡Oh, buen Jesús!, óyeme. 

Dentro de tus llagas, escóndeme. 

No permitas que me aparte de Ti. 

Del maligno enemigo, defiéndeme. 

En la hora de mi muerte, llámame. 

Y mándame ir a Ti.  Para que con tus

santos te alabe. 

Por los siglos de los siglos.  Amén




Check out my new favorite Spanish learning site called Rockalingua.  Click on "songs" for various themes of vocabulary, accompanying lyrics, and pictures for FREE.  We sang "¿Cómo estás? this week recognizing the masculine and feminine endings to adjectives that describe feelings/emotions.  



Learners are working with a Spanish version of Apples and Bananas called Una Mosca.  Vowel sounds change with each round so we're getting in practice with a (ah) e (eh) i (ee) o (oh) and u (oo).
Here is the chorus:

Una mosca parada en la pared

en la pared, en la pared (2x)

Una mosca, una mosca, una mosca parada en la pared (2x)



Learners have added a new oración to our cuadernos.  Feel free to practice at home.

The Lord's Prayer

Padre nuestro que estás en el  cielo

Santificado sea tu Nombre

Venga tu reino

Hágase tu voluntad

En la tierra como en el cielo

Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día

y perdona nuestras ofensas

como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden

No nos dejes caer en tentación

y líbranos del mal.




We have used "está" in determining whether someone is present in class: "¿Está Landon? No, Landon no está."  "Está" also indicates a location: "¿Dónde está Colin?  Colin está en la mesa."
3. (to be located) 
a. to be 
La casa está delante de la iglesia.The house is in front of the church.
4. (to be present) 
a. to be 
No está en casa.He's not home.



(Please practice the new prayer that we recite before class.  We have a copy in our interactive notebooks.  This is not an assignment to turn in.)

Ave María (Hail Mary)

Dios te salve, María.

Llena eres de gracia:

El Señor es contigo

Bendita tú eres entre todas las mujeres.

Y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre:


Santa María, Madre de Dios,

Ruega por nosotros pecadores,

Ahora en la hora de nuestra muerte.





 (For practice at home.  Not a homework assignment:)

See video for "Buen Buen Padre" (Good Good Father).  

You can also find this performance in Mario Adriel's  "video" section at at www.marioadriel.com





3rd&4th persona fuerza altura.jpg


(Note that this is not homework to turn in.  I add as "homework" so the post stays up for a few days. These are vocabulary words and concepts to review.)
Learners categorized new vocabulary and then worked in groups to write descriptive sentences about each other:



Glory Be (Spanish)


Gloria al Padre, al Hijo

y al Espíritu Santo.

Como era en el principio,

ahora y siempre,

por los siglos de los siglos.
