BikeBus To School Day
Bike To School Extravaganza - May 7, 2025
St. Edward Parish School is hosting a Bike to School Day on Wednesday, May 7th, 2025, leaving from San Juan Capistrano and San Clemente at 7:00 am.
Be a part of this fun student and parent experience starting at the San Clemente North Beach Metrolink Station and Los Rios Park (near Zoomars in San Juan Capistrano). Riders from both starting locations will take the San Juan Creek Trail to the Dana Point Community Center, then walk their bikes on the sidewalk up the neighborhood hill and finish at St. Edward School around 7:40 am. Upon arrival at school, participants will be provided donuts and juice or water.
If the ride is cancelled due to inclement weather, we will send out a text to the school parents (if you are have opted into receiving texts).
Please let us know if you plan to ride by clicking the REGISTRATION link, so that we can plan snacks and chaperones accordingly.
Every student participating MUST present a completed BIKE RIDING WAIVER to the ride leader on the day of the ride. Parents are also welcome to participate in this ride!
For those that do not live near the starting locations, please consider driving to the meet point and ride bikes the final few miles.
To ensure the safety of the student bike riders, an adult will be in front and back of both riding groups. Brief instructions on safe riding will be given prior to departure. Students are allowed to ride e-bikes, scooters, etc., but they will need to move at a pace similar to those on bikes and stay between the two adult leaders at all times. Students are REQUIRED to wear a helmet.
We will be riding at a very low activity time, so our cyclists will have very few pedestrians and cyclists to deal with. Both rides are primarily on a protected bikeway, and then bikes will be walked uphill on the sidewalk in the residential area after regrouping at the Dana Point Community Center.
Once at school, the bikes will be stored in the gym until the end of the day. There will not be a formal ride at the end of the day, so how will your student get home from school? Parents can pick up their student(s) and bike at pickup or they are encouraged to pick up their student(s) by bike at the end of the school day.
Can I wear free dress on May 8? Students can wear their PE uniform to school on Bike to School Day
What about my lunch/backpack? Students should only bring home absolutely necessary books on Tuesday, so they have as little as possible to carry in their backpacks as they are riding to school on Wednesday.
Can I participate by riding my bike from home directly to school? Students that already have a walking/riding waiver are allowed to do so, as usual (please register though, so that we purchase a snack for you). In the interest of having our Bike To School Day be as safe as possible, all participating students will need to depart from Los Rios Park or the SC Metrolink Station.
Are we implementing any safety measures? In addition to those mentioned above, we hope that the Orange County Sheriffs Department will again support our ride. This arrangement is subject to change, but definitely a welcome addition to our ride.
Questions? Contact Dan Ignosci at [email protected]