5th - 8th Grade Service and Stewardship Program

5th – 8th Grade Service Program

Graduation Requirements
In order to receive a diploma, a student must: have earned an overall cumulative middle school total GPA of 1.7000 or better, have no “Incomplete” grades on the transcript, and must have completed their Christian Stewardship and Service (SLE Project and SLE Graduation Resume and Interview) requirements and have no outstanding financial obligations.
Should a student receive a grade of “F” for more than one trimester in the same class during the eighth grade year, the student may participate in graduation exercises but will not receive a diploma until the “F” is remediated. Arrangements for academic remediation courses must be made with the administration.
Christian Stewardship and Service Program
All students and families of St. Edward the Confessor Parish School are invited and encouraged to fully participate in the practice of our faith through Christian stewardship and service.
Sunday Vigil/Sunday Mass
As stewards of the faith, students and their families are invited and encouraged to regularly attend the Sunday Vigil/Sunday Mass.   The faculty and staff will take time to prepare students for the Sunday readings.  Students and their families are also encouraged to preview these readings at home.  The readings can be found on the US Catholic Conference of Bishops website link under “Today’s Readings”:  http://www.usccb.org/bible/   
In addition to attendance at Sunday Vigil/Sunday Mass, students are encouraged to participate in the celebration as altar servers, lectors, ushers, choir members, or ambassadors for the various parish ministries and programs.   Students are also encouraged to make some kind of weekly offering. 
Parish Outreach
As one of the ministries of the Parish, the school serves to support the goal of the parish to become a House of Prayer and House for the Poor.  Students, families, faculty and staff will receive regular invitation to participate in the outreach programs hosted or supported by the parish.  Communication of these programs will be provided through the parish bulletin, weekly e-newsletter or “Weekly Highlights”, student assemblies, classroom announcements, and through other school communications.
SLE Project and SLE Graduation Resume and Interview (Grades 6-8)
This project commences when students enter 6th grade and concludes at the end of 8th grade.   In order to complete this project, the student is asked to participate in Christian stewardship and service in a personally meaningful manner that can be expressed through witness narratives, reflection, and leadership.  The project guidelines will be presented each fall in the Religion class for students in 6th – 8th grade.  Each year there will be two options (described below) for completing the annual SLE Project requirements.  In trimester three of 8th grade, each student will prepare a SLE Graduation Resume and will participate in a SLE Graduation Interview with their classmates, teachers, and other school and or parish stakeholders.
The SLE Project is not based upon a set minimum of service hours each year, rather it is based upon participation in service activities from 6th – 8th grade that will enable each student to bear witness to how service has impacted their life.  This cumulative project will note the various activities that the student has chosen to be involved in throughout middle school.  It is our hope that every student will participate in both Corporal Acts of Mercy and Spiritual Acts of Mercy. Corporal Acts of Mercy consist of helping the hungry, homeless, poor, or needy, helping the sick or elderly as well as the emotionally or physically disabled.  Spiritual Acts of Mercy include helping our youth, participating in religious and cultural activities as well as care for animals and the environment.
Students have two options for completing the SLE Project each year:
Option #1:  Students can choose a combination of service activities independently, through those offered by the parish, the school, and the larger community to complete the SLE Project.  Students choosing this option will be required to complete an annual reflection activity, a bearing witness activity (written project and oral presentation), and service verification form(s). 
Option #2:  Students can choose to participate with their parents in the OUTLET program offered through the Parish Faith Formation Program.  Involvement in this program will automatically and completely satisfy the annual service verification requirement, bearing witness activity, and reflection activity and no additional work is required.  
The school and parish are encouraging all 6th – 8th grade students and their parents to participate in OUTLET as one means of satisfying the SLE Graduation Project.  OUTLET is a parish-based, service-oriented, intergenerational experience for parents and students.  Twice each month, we will gather together to foster a stronger relationship with Jesus through better understanding and service to the community. By studying and then living out of the corporal and spiritual works of mercy, given to us by Jesus, we will strive to become better disciples and witnesses of love.
OUTLET sessions take place twice each month on Sunday afternoons at 4:00 p.m. The first week, we gather in the school gym to talk about our faith and to plan how we will go about putting our faith into action by helping those in need. The second week, we will gather together and do a hands-on service project.  All projects will be selected by the Coordinator of Middle School Youth Ministry in collaboration with parents and students. All service hours will also be logged by the Coordinator.
Students in grades 6-8 from the school are invited to register on-line for Faith Formation classes in order to participate in this program.   Faith Formation tuition fees for OUTLET are waived for registrants concurrently enrolled in the parish school.
For more information about OUTLET, please contact the parish faith formation office at (949) 496-6011 or via email at [email protected].  
Click the following link to be directed to the website:  http://www.stedwardoutlet.com/
Transfer Students
Students transferring into the Middle School after the first grading period are responsible for completing the SLE project during the term of their enrollment period only.