8th Grade Events, Deadlines & Graduation Information




September 26 -  Picture Day (Mass Uniform)

October 9-11 - Student-Led Parent-Teacher Conferences

October 25 -  7th/8th Halloween Dance at St. Edward
October 30 - 8th Grade Retreat

December 6 - Deanery Christmas Dance at St. Edward
December 13 - Yearbook Tribute Due

January 31 - Alumni High School Panel at St. Edward

February 7 - Individual Graduation Photos in Robes (Robes provided)

February 7 - Deanery Dance at Our Lady of Fatima
February-March - Stations of the Cross Auditions and Practices

April 4 - Stations of the Cross Performance #1 (2:00 - 3:00 pm)
April 11 - Stations of the Cross Performance #2 (2:00 - 3:00 pm)

April 14 - Stations of the Cross Performance #3 (4:45 - 5:30 pm)

April 16 - Stations of the Cross Performance #4 (2:00 - 3:00 pm)
May 2 - 8th Grade Field Trip - Knott's Berry Farm 

May 9 - Deanery Luau Dance at Mission Basilica School

May 13 - Gettysburg Movie Day (Knight Hall)

May 16 - Last All School Mass

May 16 - 8th Grade Rosary

May 16 - Locker Clean-Out

May 16 - SLE Project Presentation Fair

May 16 - Early Dismissal for 8th Grade - 12:00

May 17-23 - Historic East Coast Travel Experience




Diplomas, graduation programs, and worship aides will have your child's full name as it appears on his/her birth certificate.  If you prefer anything other than that, please email Mary Lowell at [email protected] by Friday, December 13, 2024.


We look forward to preparing a commemorative video for the Class of 2025.  We need your help!  We are hoping to get the following pictures of each graduate:

  • Baby/toddler picture 
  • First communion/ second grade picture
  • Picture of something they like doing now. Example, sport, hobby, etc.
  • Group shots from over the years at St. Edward's


Our yearbook coordinator, Mrs. Maite Cruz looks forward to including a tribute for each of our graduates in our annual school yearbook. The cost of a tribute is $50 for a ¼ page custom ad. In order to make our print deadline for the tribute signature, we need camera ready tributes by Friday, December 13, 2024. For more information and instructions, please download the flyer at the bottom of the page.


May 27 - Yearbook Breakfast 8:00 (Knight Hall)
               Graduation Rehearsal 9:30-12:00 (Church)
               Early Dismissal for 8th Grade - 12:00
               8th Grade Awards Banquet 5:30-8:30 (Knight Hall)
May 28   Graduation Group Photo 5:00 (Bluff)
               Graduation Mass 5:30 (Church)
               Commencement Ceremony 6:30  (Church)