Pick Up/Drop Off Procedures

* To ensure the safety of all our students, the front gate will be locked at 8:00 AM. Parents dropping off preschoolers after 8:00AM will be asked to walk down the turf and come up the ramp to the classrooms. 

* Our drop off window is from 7:50 AM to 8:20 AM. If arriving after 8:20, the preschool gates will be closed and parents should press the doorbell on the gate, to be granted access. The gate does require a hard pull to open.

* When dropping off preschoolers at the classrooms, student snacks and water bottles get placed in the designated container at each classroom and backpacks are hung on the hook outside.  Lunch boxes should be taken out of the backpack and hung on the hook above the backpack. Please sign in and say goodbyes outside door. This will help our teachers in monitoring their students in the room.


* When picking up half day students at 11:30 and Lunch Bunch students at 12:30, please wait until the scheduled time so that classes aren't constantly interrupted. To pick up, enter the school through the exterior classroom doors near the preschool (from the playground). Teachers or the Director will open the gates at 11:30 and 12:30. Please wait outside of the gates, if you arrive early. 


* Please be sure to sign you child out and notify the teacher that you are taking your child.


* Parents picking up full day and E-Day preschoolers should come through the gates, similar to morning drop off.