Audrey Rodriguez » The Wellness Center Health Page

The Wellness Center Health Page



Report of Health Exam

All students are required to show proof of immunizations and must adhere to the most current requirements regardless of age. Additionally, all First Graders are required to have a completed Report of Health Examination for School Entry (PM171A) signed by their physician. This health examination must have taken place within 18 months of your student’s admission into First Grade. A copy of this form is included in your registration packet. Extra copies are available in the Health Office.

Wellness Center Information Page

Telephone: (949) 496-1241 ext. 2104
Please call the Wellness Center if you have questions regarding immunizations, health records, or our medication policy.

St. Edward Parish School is responsible for alerting parents to the possible exposure of contagious illnesses. Please notify the health room immediately if your child is diagnosed by a medical professional with any of the following:
• Chicken Pox
• Conjunctivitis ("pink eye")
• Fifth's Disease
• Strep Throat
* Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease
A health alert notification will be sent out by email to families of the grade level that these contagious illnesses are reported.

The Parish School provides an annual health screening service that is free of charge to our families. Southern California Sensory Screening will test the following grade levels:

• Vision test for grades; Pre-School, Tyke, K, 3, and 7. 1st grade boys
  color vision screening
• Hearing test for grades; Pre-School, Tyke, K,1, and 5
• Scoliosis screening girls in grade 7
• Scoliosis screening for boys in grade 8
SPEECH SCREENING WILL BE BY REQUEST/ PRE-SCHOOL -2nd Grade. Sensory Screening will take place for TYKE-8th on March 16th, 2020.
Preschool Screening is scheduled for Tuesday, March 24th and Wednesday, March 25th, 2020

Helpful Information
A good online source for credible health information is OC Public Health;

Vaccine Exemption Law SB277

Notice to Parents and Guardians about Vaccine Exemptions
Under a new law known as SB 277, (January 1, 2016) exemptions based on personal beliefs, including religious beliefs, will no longer be an option for the vaccines that are currently required for entry into child care or school in California. Most families will not be affected by the new law because their children have received all required vaccinations. Personal beliefs exemptions on file for a child already attending child care or school will remain valid until the child reaches the next immunization checkpoint at kindergarten (including transitional kindergarten) or 7th grade.