Common Illnesses & Policies



Fever of 100 or above

The temperature has returned to normal for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication.

Chicken Pox

All lesions have dried and crusted over (usually about 6 days).

Cold/Flu Symptoms

Uncontrollable cough which may be disruptive to others. Unable to contain mucus and nasal discharge due to excessive sneezing, runniness, or ability to maintain hygiene.


Please refer to the CDPH website for the most up-to-date COVID-19 protocols. Click Here

Diarrhea/Bloody Stool

Loose stools have subsided and the student has returned to normal eating without stomach upset for 24 hours. If the student has a confirmed E. Coli or Shigella infection, we require a doctor’s confirmation that two stool cultures are negative.

Ear Ache/Sore Throat

Student has been seen and treated by a physician and/or symptoms subside

Head Lice

Student has undergone treatment and has no nits.


24 hours after antibiotic therapy has been started.

Red, Watery Eyes

Eyes return to normal, are no longer red and burning or itching, or student has been treated with antibiotics for at least 24 hours.


Rash disappears or it is not a result of a communicable disease.

Strep Throat

24 hours after antibiotic therapy has been started.


Student has not vomited for at least 24 hours.