Digital Literacy » Edmodo


Edmodo is the Learning Management System for the iPad program. Edmodo is a free and secure learning network for teachers, students, and schools. It provides a safe way for us to connect, share content, participate in discussions, turn in homework, and receive class information from the iPad.

Students will set up an Edmodo account in their homeroom class. After students have set up an account, Parents can use the parent code (bottom left, located on student account) to set up their own account.

See Parent sign up guide:

This application will be used strictly for educational purposes using the following guidelines:

Posting Messages

·       Post a note to the whole group if your question is about something the whole group should know (assignments, instructions, dates etc.)

·       Send a note only to your teacher if you want to talk about something that doesn’t relate to everyone.

·       Don’t post personal questions to the group.

·       Keep conversations on topic.

·       If you’re not sure if a word or joke is okay, then it’s probably not. Refrain from posts that tease, bully, annoy, spam, or gossip about any other member.


Replying to Messages

·       Do not answer a question if you aren’t sure you know the answer.

·       Do not reply to a question if someone has already answered it correctly.

Punctuation & Grammar

·       No txting lingo. We r ur teachersshow us that u have learned how 2 spell.


·       Do not end sentences with more than one exclamation mark!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or question markjQuery183039884760140327_1472435028290??????????

·       Please please please do not repeat a word more than necessary.